Snack Time

We make snack time a social time at which children and adults eat together. We change the menu on a daily basis and offer items such as bagels, toast, crumpets, crackers, yoghurt and breadsticks.  Alongside this, every day the children are offered a selection of fruit or vegetables and a choice of milk or water.

We encourage the children to spread their own butter, hand out snack items and pour their own drinks, which helps to develop independence as well as fine motor and self-care skills. These skills are extremely important for ensuring the children are ready for school. We also provide opportunities for the children to experience food from other cultures and countries.

Healthy Lunch Box

We encourage children who attend all day to bring a healthy balanced lunch box. This should include:  

  • Starchy food – sandwich, wrap, pitta bread, breadsticks, rice cakes, crackers, pasta, rice or couscous
  • Protein – chicken, tuna, cheese or cream cheese, salmon, egg, hummus, beans or ham
  • A portion of vegetables – cherry tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, sweetcorn, celery or carrot sticks
  • A portion of fruit – apple, banana, kiwi, chunks of melon, berries, grapes, satsuma, or dried fruit such as raisins or dried apricots
  • A dairy choice – such as cheese or yoghurt
  • A drink – water is best

Chocolate, crisps, cakes and other foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided.
We ask that all packed lunches are nut free.

For more information about healthy lunch box choices please visit the Change4Life website.