Early Years Foundation Stage

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidance which sets out the welfare and learning requirements that all Early Years providers must adhere to. The play-based activities that we provide are based around the seven key areas of learning:

EYFS 7 Areas of Learning

Prime Areas
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
Specific Areas
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Art and Design

A Typical Day

Our children are split into two age groups; Duck group are 2-3 year olds, Rabbit group are 3-4 year olds and in the year before they start school.

9.15am  to  9.30am - Registration time

Rabbits take part in a short registration time where they join in with     singing, counting skills and show and tell.

9.30am  to  11.00am - Free play
Ducks and Rabbits play alongside each other and may play in either room or outside.  During this time, children can have their snack from 10am onwards.  They may come at a time of their choosing so that their play is not interrupted.

11.00am  to  11.15am - Group time
A time for children to develop skills and understanding in a particular area of learning through a fun activity with their age group (Ducks or Rabbits).  This may be singing, physical movement, games or creative activities.

11.15am  to  11.55am - Free play

11.55am  to  12.10pm - Story time with their age group

12.15pm - Home time